The residency at Bamboo Curtain Studio started right after our residency at the Jan van Eyck in 2017/2018 in Maastricht. During our time at Jan van Eyck, we met Yasmine Ostendorf who leads the Jac. P. Thijsse lab for nature research. Previous to her work at the Van Eyck she lived and worked in South East Asia, being based for some time at Bamboo Curtain Studio. From this experience Yasmine saw overlap in the manner our practice operates and how artists and curators work with or on similar topics in Taiwan dealing with ecology, food, nature, community and sustainability.
Before our arrival in Taiwan we started to discuss potential topics and agreed with BCS (Bamboo Curtain Studio) to start looking at fresh water and salt water systems along the Tamsui river. Arriving early September 2018 we were introduced to the vibrant team of BCS and meeting the other fellow residents from Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines and US. In the following months we were able to meet and work with experts, local and international artists, curators and we got the chance to visit other parts of Taiwan, travelled to Xiamen in China and Jakarta, Jatiwangi and Yogyakarta in Indonesia. Thanks to the extensive network of BCS we experienced a tremendous and invaluable enrichment to our work and practice. Working and living in Taiwan led to a new work, a growing body of research, numerable presentations, workshops and two exhibitions. In this report we’ll describe our findings, the content of our research, the work we produced and how we want to continue in the future with this experience.